Electrostatic powder coating is a surface coating method without solvent. Coating materials’ form is powder. Powder coating material is sprayed with paint blaster. In this process, material to be coated with paint must be earthed and powder paint must be electrically charged, ultimately resulting in an electrostatic attraction between the powder and the surface.
Powder paint that non-stick on a surface is recycled and used again.
It is important to load as much of the powder paint on the surface as possible.
Powder paint that non-stick on a surface is recycled and used again. Recycle system is one of the best advantages of the production line. Powder coating booths have an important role for productivity and economy. The booth is as closed as paint cannot go out. In the automatic system the booths can be completely closed but the booths of the manual system must have open for the operator to paint. Inside of booths must be smooth for accurate painting. The conveyor system moves exterior of the cabin thus paint can’t go out and the conveyor system doesn’t cover with powder paint. The booths provide efficient collection and transport of the scattered paint to the feed system. There are different types of powder coating booths in this category. With filters, with cyclones, portable booths, sweeping type booths and plastic booths are available for sale.